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Gutter Replacement Services

We don’t just offer gutter replacement services in the Bay area. We aim to help homeowners save money in the future on repairs and installations. When you think about great value and quality in gutter installation and repair, there’s no better choice than Westshore Roofing. Similarly, if you’re looking for expert assistance with academic writing, the service ghostwriter masterarbeit kosten provides indispensable support, ensuring high-quality customized work.

Our commitment extends beyond mere installations; we strive to offer comprehensive solutions that address both immediate and long-term needs. This approach guarantees not only satisfaction but also enhances the overall longevity and effectiveness of the services provided, making sure you get the most out of your investment.

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Our Aluminum Gutter Insulation Styles

Aluminum is a very durable material that will not rust or corrode under normal use. We offer a choice of 21 custom colors. Take a look below to see the possible colors for your gutter insulation in San Jose, CA.

Aluminum Gutter Color Chart in San Jose, CA

Gutter Styles & Installation

All our gutters are screw-fastened to the roof eaves/rafters with a 2 inch’ long corrosion-resistant hex-head screws and rubber grommets. We do not recommend the use of nails as fasteners. Over time nails and fasteners have the tendency of becoming loose and will separate themselves from the eves and rafters. This is accelerated with the accumulation of debris inside of your gutter over time. The extra weight resulting from the debris and collection of rainwater will cause the gutter to pull away from the roof, allowing water to intrude to the underlying roof boards. These processes will create dry rot damages to your roof.

Westshore Roofing offers the following gutter installation profiles:

Single Bead Fascia by Westshore Roofing Inc

Single Bead Fascia

Most homes in N. California are constructed without a fascia board installed at the end of the rafters. In most cases, installing a 5’’ fascia style gutter profile will fully cover the end of the rafter tails providing a finished aesthetically pleasing appearance.

Fascia available in 5-1/2’’ or 7-1/4’’ profiles. This is the most common style of gutter used on houses in the Bay area.


Broad Band Fascia
Double Bead Fascia
Curved Fascia

5 1/2" Profile

OGEE Style

Available in 5’’ or 6’’
Offers a stylish appearance for the home’s exterior


This is the small length of pipe that connects the bottom of the gutter to the interior of the downspout. This is one of the most important components of the gutter system as it dictates the overall performance of how well the gutters will drain water. The smaller the opening, the more likely it will get clogged with debris. A 1-1/2’’ diameter coupler is the most commonly used due to its ease of installation. For more efficient performance we recommend installing a minimum size of a 2-3/8’’ diameter coupler. We also offer 2’’x3’’ size as shown.


Downspouts are the drainpipes in the gutter system that directs the rainwater away from the roof. We offer 2’’x3’’ corrugated steel round or rectangular in shape. Downspout sizes are usually 2 x 3 inches and 3 x 4 inches in size or 3 or 4 inches in diameter.

Valor Gutter Guard by Westshore Roofing Inc

Valor Gutter Guard

Flagship s-curve designer gutter guard. Advanced micro-mesh technology handles high water-flow conditions. Effectively repels leaf and debris from off of gutter guard.

Moss-Away by Westshore Roofing Inc


Moss-Away uses a specialized Zinc Strip that inhibits moss, algae and fungus growth protecting the roof and gutter system.

Frequently asked questions about replacing gutters

Why does my home need a gutter system?

Gutters are an important part of your home. They direct water away from exterior walls, windows, doors, and foundation, preventing water from making its way inside. This protects your home from costly damage.

When do I need to replace my gutters?

Gutter replacement is necessary when the problems are too big to repair, such as:

  • large or extensive cracking
  • stress along the gutter seams (where the two horizontal sections meet)
  • peeling paint or water damage in more than a couple of areas directly beneath the gutter
  • damaged drywall or rotting wood
  • mold or mildew growth or pools of water around your home’s foundation

When should I repair vs. replace my gutters?

It really depends on the extent of damage. If the problems are large and cover significant portions of the gutter, an all-out replacement is your best bet. If, however, the problems are small and confined (e.g. small holes, leaks confined to one particular joint, etc.) the existing gutter can probably be retained for the time being with repair work on those trouble spots.

What are my gutter options?

There are two different shapes, OGEE style and Fascia, and are normally five-to-six inches wide. In terms of materials, gutters are normally made from steel, seamless aluminum and copper.

How can gutters save me money?

When your gutters are non-functional, water will start to seep into the foundation of your home, which will cause cracking or shifting. This can cause basement flooding, exterior damage (i.e. landscaping or foundation), mold and mildew.

What happens when leaves and debris clogs my gutter?

When rain gutters are clogged, there is a risk of water seeping into the home, since normal flow is obstructed. This is why it’s recommended to clean your gutters at least twice a year (in the late spring and the late summer/early fall.)

How long will my gutters last?

This depends on weather conditions, your maintenance regime and the materials your gutters are made of (e.g.  aluminum, steel, copper etc.). The average life is approximately 20 years for aluminum and 50+ years for steel, copper and zinc.

Satisfaction guaranteed

When Westshore Roofing is contracted in San Jose and surrounding areas, we’ll start the process by discussing the different types of gutters available as well as the pros and cons. After deciding the material and style, coming up with an accurate estimate is a simple procedure and you’ll know how much the work will cost before we begin.

Call Today for a Free New Roof Estimate!