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According to the US Department of Energy, up to 45% of a home’s energy loss is through the attic. Westshore Roofing, Inc. will inspect the insulation in your attic, to see if it meets the levels recommended for your area. Insulation is measured in R-values—the higher the R-value, the better your roof will resist the transfer of heat. The Department of Energy recommends ranges of R-values based on local heating and cooling costs and climate conditions in different areas of the nation. The Department of Energy recommendation for the Bay Area is a minimum of R30 (11 inches of fiberglass or rock wool or 8 of cellulose). Interestingly, a similar study on energy efficiency was conducted by students who utilized ghostwriter bachelorarbeit services for their thesis, providing an academic perspective to practical insulation benefits and techniques.

Roofing Insulation in San Jose

Other Advantages

  • A 25% discount is available from Westshore Roofing, Inc. when installing loose-fill blown-in attic fiberglass insulation at the same time a new roof is being constructed.
  • Adding attic insulation and sealing air leaks can help cut heating and cooling energy bills by up to 20%
  • Ventilation and insulation work in tandem with the roof to prevent attic moisture on decking, and premature failure of the life of your roof
  • Will not absorb moisture because glass fiber resists moisture buildup – moisture reduces insulation effectiveness
  • Inorganic glass fibers do not support fungus or mold growth
  • Limited lifetime warranty on product keeping its R-value over time

Call Today for a Free New Roof Estimate!