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Installing a new roof?

Ask us about our GAF DecoTech integrated solar roof system where solar is part of the roof.













DecoTech: Solar designed by roofing experts for roofers

In partnership with North America’s leading roofing manufacturer, GAF, we offer elegant, low-profile solar that installs like a skylight, ensuring a water-shedding, beautiful roof that generates clean energy. To keep it simple, we offer one warranty for the roof and solar panels. And, GAF-certified roofers will do all the work on the roof.

standard solar panels vs decotech

Why Decotech

A common cause of roof leaks is debris building up on the surface of the roof restricting the downward flow of water. This leads to water migrating under the roof shingles resulting in water intrusion into the interior of the home.

With a traditional rack-mounted solar array, foliage debris can easily be trapped between the solar panels and roof surface so frequent roof cleaning and seasonal maintenance are recommended.

Dry combustible foliage sitting next to the electronics is a significant risk of causing a fire.

Due to the small space, debris removal can be very challenging. Often this requires the removal of panels themselves at a significant expense to the homeowner. A great advantage of the DecoTech, direct to deck system, means the system electrical wiring is not only protected from rodent damage but also exposure to the elements which can result in a reduced lifespan.

Call Today for a Free New Roof Estimate!